These are a sampling of testimonials. Please visit our TripAdvisor page for more reviews.

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“Linda is an excellent instructor for beginning women! She is passionate about dog mushing, and educating women! Her love for her dogs shows and is so important given these women want to see compassion for animals.
All the assistants were exceptional as well; caring, courteous and willing to do whatever is needed to make sure everyone is safe.”
All the assistants were exceptional as well; caring, courteous and willing to do whatever is needed to make sure everyone is safe.”
-Linda Bylander
Director of BOW (DNR’s Becoming an Outdoors Woman of MN)
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“Exceeded my expectations…more than an adventurous trip- it was the experience of a lifetime!”
5 of 5 stars Reviewed February 9, 2014 via mobile for Trip Advisor
“Ok, first of all- I am NOT an employee of Points Unknown, I was simply so impressed and thrilled by my experience there that I had to write a review while it was fresh in my mind (and I’m still running on the adrenalin of the experience!)
This adventure is SO MUCH MORE than a few rides In a sled, this is a well constructed all-out introduction to a sport and a lifestyle so many folks (including me) know little about!
After a few short 1/2 day recreational dog sled trips with different outfitters- my interest was further piqued by my love of dogs and Nortern MN. I was expecting to simply get a few extra opportunities and a few informative talks on dogsledding, but what I got from the experience was 10x better!
It really should be called ” Mushing 101″ as this 4 day trip provided not only TONS of insight into the life of mushing, the history and development of a mushing lifestyle and care of these unique animals AND thorough instruction but multiple experiences driving your own sled, with competent coaches and dog teams on beginner and challenging courses.
It wasn’t a ride- it was an once in a lifetime ExPERIENCE! (I told them this should be their tag line!).
They kept our trip group to 4 people so we got lots of one on one attention, and they truly made each of us feel supported and comfortable. A few participants had NEVER been dog sledding prior, but simply wanted an outdoor adventure and loved dogs.
My mind was opened to an amazing sport- I even feel somewhat ready to launch my own team! (Ok a little more experience would help!).
This will Definitely be a must on my calendar again next year!!!! Visited February 2014″
5 of 5 stars Reviewed February 9, 2014 via mobile for Trip Advisor
“Ok, first of all- I am NOT an employee of Points Unknown, I was simply so impressed and thrilled by my experience there that I had to write a review while it was fresh in my mind (and I’m still running on the adrenalin of the experience!)
This adventure is SO MUCH MORE than a few rides In a sled, this is a well constructed all-out introduction to a sport and a lifestyle so many folks (including me) know little about!
After a few short 1/2 day recreational dog sled trips with different outfitters- my interest was further piqued by my love of dogs and Nortern MN. I was expecting to simply get a few extra opportunities and a few informative talks on dogsledding, but what I got from the experience was 10x better!
It really should be called ” Mushing 101″ as this 4 day trip provided not only TONS of insight into the life of mushing, the history and development of a mushing lifestyle and care of these unique animals AND thorough instruction but multiple experiences driving your own sled, with competent coaches and dog teams on beginner and challenging courses.
It wasn’t a ride- it was an once in a lifetime ExPERIENCE! (I told them this should be their tag line!).
They kept our trip group to 4 people so we got lots of one on one attention, and they truly made each of us feel supported and comfortable. A few participants had NEVER been dog sledding prior, but simply wanted an outdoor adventure and loved dogs.
My mind was opened to an amazing sport- I even feel somewhat ready to launch my own team! (Ok a little more experience would help!).
This will Definitely be a must on my calendar again next year!!!! Visited February 2014″
-Sonja Birkeland
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“Being on this Points Unknown adventure touched my soul. Everything I love and seek in life was here: incredible dogs, passionate people, the beautiful, peaceful north woods, good company, learning something new and amazingly delicious food.”
-Jenny Minton
Stone Lake, WI
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“It was truly memorable!”
Regarding a recent advanced adventure where those participants had attended a previous adventure:
I just wanted to thank you for giving us such an amazing weekend!…. The weekend was so well laid out to remind us what to do, help us feel more confident, and then go for it! It was truly memorable!”
Regarding a recent advanced adventure where those participants had attended a previous adventure:
I just wanted to thank you for giving us such an amazing weekend!…. The weekend was so well laid out to remind us what to do, help us feel more confident, and then go for it! It was truly memorable!”
-Cheryl Jahnke
St. Paul, MN